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Hi, I'm Stacy!
Welcome to my personal website! I use this space to share my projects, thoughts, and experiences as I navigate college and beyond.

I'm currently a freshman at MIT studying Computer Science and Mathematics, and I'm super excited to share my journey!
Created on
>> print(welcome)|
>> print(introduction)|

>> for account in socialNetworks:
link = connect(account)
>> goto(
About Me
Hello! My name is Stacy Vazquez, and I really love computers. Ever since I can remember, I've been creating digital content. I was only seven years old when I took my first programming elective and designed a multiplayer soccer game. I proudly burned my game onto a CD and continued to explore my digital capabilities. Today, I am first-year computer science student at MIT learning to program and develop. Now, I "burn" my creations on Github. Get to know me and my aspirations better by clicking more.

I speak: English, Spanish
I code: Python, Javascript, HTML, C, Assembly
I speak:
I code:
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If there's anything about me, it's that I'm always working on something.
Scroll to see my featured projects and cClick more to unlock my To-Do List!
The HiLights Digital Newspaper
Army Academy EC0
Pre-AP-Calculus Course
Planager is web application that helps individuals plan events, meetings, and small-group meetups. Individuals can create public, RSVP, and group events. Planager includes a calendar feature that allows users to map out their schedule and automatically adds events scheduled on Planager. Planager, also, features an algorithm that suggests the best dates and times for group events based on attendees' calendars. Planager also has a chat feature, friending system, and group creating system, so that individuals may share and organize mutual events.

Planager was a project created by myself and a classmate for Weblab (the web development course offered during MIT's Indepdendent Activities Period). This was our first experience with web development. And, using React, Node.js, and Heroku, we designed, programmed, and published the website from scratch.
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A penny for my thoughts? Zero, actually. Keep reading to gain insight on my life behind the screen.
And, if I don't bore you to quickly, click more to keep discovering!
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I love building bridges! Let's connect!
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