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📝: Stacy Vazquez 📅: May 13, 2023 🔗: /mamas-de-mi-vida
🏷️: Thoughts
Para las Mamás de mi Vida
🌎 Language: EnglishSpanish
How did we become the people we are today? There is a longstanding debate over whether it is nature or nurture that has a greater impact on our personalities, aspirations, and thoughts. Our parents, though, influence both.

I grew up in a family powered by women, and I had the privilege of being raised by multiple maternal figures who, together, helped form the Stacy I am today. I was only two years old when I began to hear my family's “motto”. As a single mother, my mom continuously empowered me and encouraged me to be a confident young girl. The exchange went the following way:

“What are the women in our family like?”

“Brave, successful, and tough”

This was how I learned to manifest. Whenever I was feeling down or doubting myself, my mom would ask the question, reminding me of my potential.

This is the first mother's day I spend away from home. And, today, I feel more grateful than ever for the mothers in my life. So, I would like to channel the love and appreciation I have for them in this post.

My mom is the most loving and giving person I will ever know. Her selflessness extends to the point that she was willing to abandon a comfortable job and the country she knew to seek better opportunities for her children, whom she wouldn't meet until years later. And, when she settled down, she helped the rest of our family make a better life for themselves. Thanks to her bravery, I am able to write this post all the way from Cambridge, at one of the best universities in the world.

Many mothers live for their children, but I can't imagine anyone embodying that philosophy more than my mom. From bringing me endless snacks during virtual learning to driving for hours so that I could attend conferences to staying up with me on busy school nights, my mother has been the biggest pillar of my education. She always went above and beyond to help in any way she could.

She taught me how to give. During my senior year of high school, I witnessed her give her mind and body to take care of my sick grandmother in her end-of-life stage. Whenever she wasn't with me, she was with her, keeping her as comfortable as possible. She powered through her tiredness because to her, family was above everything.

I can only aspire to be half as good of a woman as she was. And, despite being thousands of miles apart, she continues to inspire me to be braver and kinder.

Turns out that closeness in age is not the best predictor of emotional closeness for siblings. The twelve years between us allowed me to have a sister and a second mother. All of our memories range from binge-watching RBD concerts with her and singing our hearts out to her holding my hand as I retrieved my hundredth lost item from my elementary school's lost and found.

My sister taught me the definition of true joy. Looking back, I was probably the cringiest five-year-old to exist. Yet, that didn't stop my sister from laughing at my terrible jokes and backing me up on my silly ideas.

My sister is both my partner in crime and my role model. If there's anyone in the world I can count on, it's her. In her, I don't only have someone to laugh with but someone to confide in.

She is the reason I smile a little brighter and am inspired to work a little harder.

I was my grandma's youngest grandchild. And though I didn't get to know her when she was the healthiest. I knew her when she was the strongest.

My grandmother taught me to never give up. In every phase of her life, she was able to adapt, start over, and show the world what a strong woman she was.

Life truly comes full circle. I have video tapes of her feeding me my cereal when I was baby. And, a few months ago, I had the honor of helping her with her meals.

Despite being with her in the last months of her life, I never saw her weak. Even when she was confined to a bed, she never forgot how to sing or how to laugh. And, it was during those months that I learned that a person's power is not determined by the health of their body or their mind, but rather by the legacy they leave behind.

My grandma raised a family of strong, independent women. And, she continues to live. She lives in the memories she left behind and in the lessons she taught us all. She lives every moment I stand back up after experiencing failure. And, she lives every instance that we choose not to give up.

My grandmother is the reason I am strong.

Last but not least, I was also lucky enough to grow up with my aunt around. She taught me to be unapologetically myself. She taught me how to jump rope, showed me how to make a horse (using only a sock and a broom!), and helped me stay in touch with roots. I will never forget the secret Tampico and chicharrón servings.

Her influence allowed my personality to flourish, with a side effect of making me slightly high maintenance. And, though I know how difficult it must've been to keep up with my energy, I'm grateful that she did. Thanks to her, I'm not afraid to be myself.

It is through the endless support of four amazing women that I've made it as far as I have. Though I am still learning and growing, I am beyond fortunate to have a group of women that model selflessness, happiness, strength, and confidence.

This short mother's day blog post does not suffice to express the influence and impact that they have had in my life. These past eighteen years with them are priceless. But, I hope to continue showing them my gratitude, not only through writing, but through the woman that I aspire to be; for their legacy will always live in my heart and in my story.
Post Info
📝: Stacy Vazquez
📅: May 13, 2023
🔗: /mamas-de-mi-vida
🏷️: Thoughts
¡Feliz Día de las Madres!